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All calls to gtk functions should be performed on the main thread. To perform such calls from a goroutine, use glib.IdleAdd to schedule invocation of a callback function on the main thread.


glib.IdleAdd(func() bool {
    someLabel.SetText("some text")
    return glib.SOURCE_REMOVE

Return glib.SOURCE_REMOVE to ensure the function is not called again next time the main loop is idle. Alternatively return glib.SOURCE_CONTINUE to have the function called again.


Alternatively, glib.IdleAddOnce schedules a single invocation of a callback function on the main thread. Unlike glib.IdleAdd no value needs to be returned to avoid subsequent invocations of the callback.

glib.IdleAddOnce(func() {
    someLabel.SetText("some text")

IdleAddOnce is a convenience provided by gobbi. It has no direct equivalent in the glib C library.